17 So life came to mean nothing to me, because everything in it had brought me nothing but trouble. It had all been useless; I had been chasing the wind.
18 Nothing that I had worked for and earned meant a thing to me, because I knew that I would have to leave it to my successor,
19 and he might be wise, or he might be foolish—who knows? Yet he will own everything I have worked for, everything my wisdom has earned for me in this world. It is all useless.
20 So I came to regret that I had worked so hard.
21 You work for something with all your wisdom, knowledge, and skill, and then you have to leave it all to someone who hasn't had to work for it. It is useless, and it isn't right!
22 You work and worry your way through life, and what do you have to show for it?
23 As long as you live, everything you do brings nothing but worry and heartache. Even at night your mind can't rest. It is all useless.