4 “Are any of my officials in the palace?” the king asked.Now Haman had just entered the courtyard; he had come to ask the king to have Mordecai hanged on the gallows that was now ready.
5 So the servants answered, “Haman is here, waiting to see you.”“Show him in,” said the king.
6 So Haman came in, and the king said to him, “There is someone I wish very much to honor. What should I do for this man?”Haman thought to himself, “Now who could the king want to honor so much? Me, of course.”
7-8 So he answered the king, “Have royal robes brought for this man—robes that you yourself wear. Have a royal ornament put on your own horse.
9 Then have one of your highest noblemen dress the man in these robes and lead him, mounted on the horse, through the city square. Have the nobleman announce as they go: ‘See how the king rewards someone he wishes to honor!’”
10 Then the king said to Haman, “Hurry and get the robes and the horse, and provide these honors for Mordecai the Jew. Do everything for him that you have suggested. You will find him sitting at the entrance of the palace.”
11 So Haman got the robes and the horse, and he put the robes on Mordecai. Mordecai got on the horse, and Haman led him through the city square, announcing to the people as they went: “See how the king rewards a man he wishes to honor!”