9 The land lies idle and deserted. The forests of Lebanon have withered, the fertile valley of Sharon is like a desert, and in Bashan and on Mount Carmel the leaves are falling from the trees.
10 The Lord says to the nations, “Now I will act. I will show how powerful I am.
11 You make worthless plans and everything you do is useless. My spirit is like a fire that will destroy you.
12 You will crumble like rocks burned to make lime, like thorns burned to ashes.
13 Let everyone near and far hear what I have done and acknowledge my power.”
14 The sinful people of Zion are trembling with fright. They say, “God's judgment is like a fire that burns forever. Can any of us survive a fire like that?”
15 You can survive if you say and do what is right. Don't use your power to cheat the poor and don't accept bribes. Don't join with those who plan to commit murder or to do other evil things.