4 How long will our land be dry,and the grass in every field be withered?Animals and birds are dyingbecause of the wickedness of our people,people who say, ‘God doesn't see what we are doing.’”
5 The Lord said,“Jeremiah, if you get tired racing against people,how can you race against horses?If you can't even stand up in open country,how will you manage in the jungle by the Jordan?
6 Even your relatives, members of your own family, have betrayed you;they join in the attacks against you.Do not trust them, even though they speak friendly words.”
7 The Lord says,“I have abandoned Israel;I have rejected my chosen nation.I have given the people I loveinto the power of their enemies.
8 My chosen people have turned against me;like a lion in the forestthey have roared at me,and so I hate them.
9 My chosen people are like a birdattacked from all sides by hawks.Call the wild animalsto come and join in the feast!
10 Many foreign rulers have destroyed my vineyard;they have trampled down my fields;they have turned my lovely land into a desert.