18 Judah, you have brought this on yourself by the way you have lived and by the things you have done. Your sin has caused this suffering; it has stabbed you through the heart.
19 The pain! I can't bear the pain!My heart! My heart is beating wildly!I can't keep quiet;I hear the trumpetsand the shouts of battle.
20 One disaster follows another;the whole country is left in ruins.Suddenly our tents are destroyed;their curtains are torn to pieces.
21 How long must I see the battle ragingand hear the blasts of trumpets?
22 The Lord says, “My people are stupid;they don't know me.They are like foolish children;they have no understanding.They are experts at doing what is evil,but failures at doing what is good.”
23 I looked at the earth—it was a barren waste;at the sky—there was no light.
24 I looked at the mountains—they were shaking,and the hills were rocking back and forth.