4 All the guests and servants were now gone, and Judith and Holofernes were alone in the tent. Judith stood by Holofernes' bed and prayed silently, “O Lord, God Almighty, help me with what I am about to do for the glory of Jerusalem.
5 Now is the time to rescue your chosen people and to help me carry out my plan to destroy the enemies who are threatening us.”
6 Judith went to the bedpost by Holofernes' head and took down his sword.
7 She came closer, seized Holofernes by the hair of his head, and said, “O Lord, God of Israel, give me strength now.”
8 Then Judith raised the sword and struck him twice in the neck as hard as she could, chopping off his head.
9 She rolled his body off the bed and took down the mosquito net from the bedposts. Then she came out and gave Holofernes' head to her slave,
10 who put it in the food bag.Then the two women left together, as they always did when they went to pray. After they had walked through the Assyrian camp, they crossed the valley and went up the mountainside until they came to the gates of Bethulia.