35 If any Israelites living near you become poor and cannot support themselves, you must provide for them as you would for a hired worker, so that they can continue to live near you.
36 Do not charge Israelites any interest, but obey God and let them live near you.
37 Do not make them pay interest on the money you lend them, and do not make a profit on the food you sell them.
38 This is the command of the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt in order to give you the land of Canaan and to be your God.
39 If any Israelites living near you become so poor that they sell themselves to you as a slave, you shall not make them do the work of a slave.
40 They shall stay with you as hired workers and serve you until the next Year of Restoration.
41 At that time they and their children shall leave you and return to their family and to the property of their ancestors.