3 Anyone who gives good guidance to his son cannot only take pride in him among his friends, but he can make his enemies jealous.
4-5 While the father is alive, the sight of his son makes him happy, and when he dies, he has no regrets. He is not really dead, because his son is like him.
6 He has left someone to take vengeance on his enemies and to return the favors he owes his friends.
7 But anyone who spoils his son will have to bandage his wounds. His heart will stop every time he hears a shout.
8 An untamed horse is going to be stubborn, and an undisciplined son is no different.
9 If you pamper your child and play with him, he will be a disappointment and a source of grief.
10 Laugh with him now, and one day you will have to cry over him, grinding your teeth in regret.