16 and taught them that punishment for sin takes the same form as the sin itself.
17 Your almighty power, Lord, created the world out of material that had no form at all. You could easily have punished those people by sending an invasion of bears or savage lions.
18 You could have created new and terrible animals, that could breathe fire or roar and send out clouds of smoke, or shoot out fearful sparks from their eyes.
19 You could have made animals like these that would not have to attack those people to kill them, but could scare them to death just by looking at them.
20 But this was not necessary. You could have pursued them with your justice or struck them dead at the slightest hint of your power. But you have chosen to measure, count, and weigh everything you do.
21 You can show your great power any time you wish, and no one can stand up against it.
22 In your sight the whole world is a grain of sand, barely heavy enough to tip a pair of scales, a drop of dew on the ground in the morning.