9 When they were being tested, even though it was a merciful discipline, they learned how wicked people were tortured when you judged them in anger.
10 You tested your people, as parents test their children, to warn them. But you judged their enemies like a stern king and condemned them.
11 They suffered, whether they were near your people or far from them.
12 Their sorrow was doubled; they groaned as they looked back on what had happened.
13 When they learned that their punishment had been of benefit to your people, they realized that it was your work, Lord.
14 The Egyptians had refused to have anything to do with that man who, long before as a baby, had been thrown out and exposed; but as things worked out, they came to be amazed at him. The righteous never suffered a thirst like theirs.
15 Their wickedness misled them into silly ideas, so that they worshiped snakes and other disgusting animals, creatures without any powers of reason. Because of this, you punished them with millions of such animals,