8 But even in this you showed mercy toward their enemies, since they were only human beings. You sent hornets ahead of your army, to destroy the enemy gradually.
9 You could have allowed the righteous to destroy those ungodly people in battle; you could have wiped them out immediately with wild animals or with one harsh command.
10 But instead, you carried out your sentence gradually, to give them a chance to repent, even though you knew that they came from evil stock, that they had been wicked since birth, and that they would never change their way of thinking.
11 Their whole nation was cursed from the start, and though you had not punished them for their sins, it was not because you were afraid of anyone.
12 You created those wicked people, and no one can speak in their defense or condemn you for destroying them. No one can question what you have done or challenge your judgment.
13 All things are under your care, and there is no other god to whom you must justify your decisions.
14 No king or ruler on earth can accuse you of punishing those people unfairly.