13 Because of Wisdom I will gain immortality; I will live forever in the memory of those who come after me.
14 I will hold power over nations and peoples;
15 dreaded tyrants will be seized with fear at the mention of my name. I will be famous, as a good king and as a brave soldier.
16 When I come home to Wisdom, I will find contentment because there is no conflict or pain in living with her, only happiness and joy.”
17 And so I thought it over: to be wedded to Wisdom is to live forever,
18 to love her is to be perfectly happy, to do her work is to be rich beyond measure, to share her company is to have sound judgment, to converse with her is to be honored. Then I was determined to take Wisdom as my bride.
19-20 I had a pleasant personality even as a child. I had been fortunate enough to receive a good soul, or rather, I was given a sound body to live in because I was already good.