15 He brought this illness upon me,but now I can see my son Tobias!”Then Tobias went happily into the house, praising God at the top of his voice. He told his father how successful he had been, that he had not only brought back the money, but had married Raguel's daughter Sarah, who was on her way and would soon arrive.
16 Tobit was excited and praised God as he went out to meet his son's bride at the city gate. When the people of Nineveh saw him, they were amazed, because he was walking on his own, with no one leading him by the hand.
17 Tobit praised God and told everyone how God in his mercy had restored his sight.When Tobit met Sarah, he greeted her, “Welcome, daughter! Praise God for bringing you to us, my daughter. May God bless your father, as well as you and my son Tobias. Welcome to your new home. May you always be blessed with good health and happiness. Come in, daughter!”It was a day of great joy for all the Jews of Nineveh.
18 Tobit's nephews Ahikar and Nadab came by to share Tobit's happiness with him.