11 To this very moment we go hungry and thirsty; we are clothed in rags; we are beaten; we wander from place to place;
12 we wear ourselves out with hard work. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure;
13 when we are insulted, we answer back with kind words. We are no more than this world's garbage; we are the scum of the earth to this very moment!
14 I write this to you, not because I want to make you feel ashamed, but to instruct you as my own dear children.
15 For even if you have ten thousand guardians in your Christian life, you have only one father. For in your life in union with Christ Jesus I have become your father by bringing the Good News to you.
16 I beg you, then, to follow my example.
17 For this purpose I am sending to you Timothy, who is my own dear and faithful son in the Christian life. He will remind you of the principles which I follow in the new life in union with Christ Jesus and which I teach in all the churches everywhere.