21 Were you a slave when God called you? Well, never mind; but if you have a chance to become free, use it.
22 For a slave who has been called by the Lord is the Lord's free person; in the same way a free person who has been called by Christ is his slave.
23 God bought you for a price; so do not become slaves of people.
24 My friends, each of you should remain in fellowship with God in the same condition that you were when you were called.
25 Now, concerning what you wrote about unmarried people: I do not have a command from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord's mercy is worthy of trust.
26 Considering the present distress, I think it is better for a man to stay as he is.
27 Do you have a wife? Then don't try to get rid of her. Are you unmarried? Then don't look for a wife.