7 Yes, you are the ones who have seen all these great things that the Lord has done.
8 “Obey everything that I have commanded you today. Then you will be able to cross the river and occupy the land that you are about to enter.
9 And you will live a long time in the rich and fertile land that the Lord promised to give your ancestors and their descendants.
10 The land that you are about to occupy is not like the land of Egypt, where you lived before. There, when you planted grain, you had to work hard to irrigate the fields;
11 but the land that you are about to enter is a land of mountains and valleys, a land watered by rain.
12 The Lord your God takes care of this land and watches over it throughout the year.
13 “So then, obey the commands that I have given you today; love the Lord your God and serve him with all your heart.