5 The Lord became king of his people Israelwhen their tribes and leaders were gathered together.
6 Moses said about the tribe of Reuben:“May Reuben never die out,Although their people are few.”
7 About the tribe of Judah he said:“Lord, listen to their cry for help;Unite them again with the other tribes.Fight for them, Lord,And help them against their enemies.”
8 About the tribe of Levi he said:“You, Lord, reveal your will by the Urim and ThummimThrough your faithful servants, the Levites;You put them to the test at MassahAnd proved them true at the waters of Meribah.
9 They showed greater loyalty to youThan to parents, brothers, or children.They obeyed your commandsAnd were faithful to your covenant.
10 They will teach your people to obey your Law;They will offer sacrifices on your altar.
11 Lord, help their tribe to grow strong;Be pleased with what they do.Crush all their enemies;Let them never rise again.”