13 Instead, tear down their altars, destroy their sacred pillars, and cut down their symbols of the goddess Asherah.
14 “Do not worship any other god, because I, the Lord, tolerate no rivals.
15 Do not make any treaties with the people of the country, because when they worship their pagan gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you to join them, and you will be tempted to eat the food they offer to their gods.
16 Your sons might marry those foreign women, who would lead them to be unfaithful to me and to worship their pagan gods.
17 “Do not make gods of metal and worship them.
18 “Keep the Festival of Unleavened Bread. As I have commanded you, eat unleavened bread for seven days in the month of Abib, because it was in that month that you left Egypt.
19 “Every first-born son and first-born male domestic animal belongs to me,