33 “As surely as I, the Sovereign Lord, am the living God, I warn you that in my anger I will rule over you with a strong hand, with all my power.
34 I will show you my power and my anger when I gather you together and bring you back from all the countries where you have been scattered.
35 I will bring you into the ‘Desert of the Nations,’ and there I will condemn you to your face.
36 I will now condemn you just as I condemned your ancestors in the Sinai Desert,” says the Sovereign Lord.
37 “I will take firm control of you and make you obey my covenant.
38 I will take away from among you those who are rebellious and sinful. I will take them out of the lands where they are living now, but I will not let them return to the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”
39 The Sovereign Lord says, “And now, all you Israelites, suit yourselves! Go on and serve your idols! But I warn you that after this you will have to obey me and stop dishonoring my holy name by offering gifts to your idols.