14 The third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria, and the fourth river is the Euphrates.
15 Then the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.
16 He told him, “You may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden,
17 except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad. You must not eat the fruit of that tree; if you do, you will die the same day.”
18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him.”
19 So he took some soil from the ground and formed all the animals and all the birds. Then he brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and that is how they all got their names.
20 So the man named all the birds and all the animals; but not one of them was a suitable companion to help him.