3 He blessed the seventh day and set it apart as a special day, because by that day he had completed his creation and stopped working.
4 And that is how the universe was created.When the Lord God made the universe,
5 there were no plants on the earth and no seeds had sprouted, because he had not sent any rain, and there was no one to cultivate the land;
6 but water would come up from beneath the surface and water the ground.
7 Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live.
8 Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the East, and there he put the man he had formed.
9 He made all kinds of beautiful trees grow there and produce good fruit. In the middle of the garden stood the tree that gives life and the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad.