42 If the God of my fathers, the God of Abraham and Isaac, had not been with me, you would have already sent me away empty-handed. But God has seen my trouble and the work I have done, and last night he gave his judgment.”
43 Laban answered Jacob, “These young women are my daughters; their children belong to me, and these flocks are mine. In fact, everything you see here belongs to me. But since I can do nothing to keep my daughters and their children,
44 I am ready to make an agreement with you. Let us make a pile of stones to remind us of our agreement.”
45 So Jacob got a stone and set it up as a memorial.
46 He told his men to gather some rocks and pile them up. Then they ate a meal beside the pile of rocks.
47 Laban named it Jegar Sahadutha, while Jacob named it Galeed.
48 Laban said to Jacob, “This pile of rocks will be a reminder for both of us.” That is why that place was named Galeed.