18 The Lord says,“Listen, you deaf people!Look closely, you that are blind!
19 Is anyone more blind than my servant,more deaf than the messenger I send?
20 Israel, you have seen so much,but what has it meant to you?You have ears to hear with,but what have you really heard?”
21 The Lord is a God who is eager to save,so he exalted his laws and teachings,and he wanted his people to honor them.
22 But now his people have been plundered;they are locked up in dungeonsand hidden away in prisons.They were robbed and plundered,with no one to come to their rescue.
23 Will any of you listen to this?From now on will you listen with care?
24 Who gave Israel up to the looters?It was the Lord himself, against whom we sinned!We would not live as he wanted us to liveor obey the teachings he gave us.