27 The Israelites kept for themselves the livestock and goods captured in the city, as the Lord had told Joshua.
28 Joshua burned Ai and left it in ruins. It is still like that today.
29 He hanged the king of Ai from a tree and left his body there until evening. At sundown Joshua gave orders for the body to be removed, and it was thrown down at the entrance to the city gate. They covered it with a huge pile of stones, which is still there today.
30 Then Joshua built on Mount Ebal an altar to the Lord, the God of Israel.
31 He made it according to the instructions that Moses, the Lord's servant, had given the Israelites, as it says in the Law of Moses: “an altar made of stones which have not been cut with iron tools.” On it they offered burnt sacrifices to the Lord, and they also presented their fellowship offerings.
32 There, with the Israelites looking on, Joshua made on the stones a copy of the Law which Moses had written.
33 The Israelites, with their leaders, officers, and judges, as well as the foreigners among them, stood on two sides of the Lord's Covenant Box, facing the levitical priests who carried it. Half of the people stood with their backs to Mount Gerizim and the other half with their backs to Mount Ebal. The Lord's servant Moses had commanded them to do this when the time came for them to receive the blessing.