23 But all other small things that have wings and also crawl must be considered unclean.
24-28 If you touch the dead bodies of the following animals, you will be unclean until evening: all animals with hoofs, unless their hoofs are divided and they chew the cud, and all four-footed animals with paws. If you carry their dead bodies, you must wash your clothes, but you will still be unclean until evening.
29-30 Moles, rats, mice, and lizards must be considered unclean.
31 Whoever touches them or their dead bodies will be unclean until evening.
32 And if their dead bodies fall on anything, it will be unclean. This applies to any article of wood, cloth, leather, or sacking, no matter what it is used for. It shall be dipped in water, but it will remain unclean until evening.
33 And if their bodies fall into a clay pot, everything that is in it shall be unclean, and you must break the pot.
34 Any food which could normally be eaten, but on which water from such a pot has been poured, will be unclean, and anything drinkable in such a pot is unclean.