10 Yet the people of Thebes were carried off into exile. At every street corner their children were beaten to death. Their leading men were carried off in chains and divided among their captors.
11 Nineveh, you too will fall into a drunken stupor! You too will try to escape from your enemies.
12 All your fortresses will be like fig trees with ripe figs: shake the trees, and the fruit falls right into your mouth!
13 Your soldiers are helpless, and your country stands defenseless before your enemies. Fire will destroy the bars across your gates.
14 Draw water to prepare for a siege, and strengthen your fortresses! Trample the clay to make bricks, and get the brick molds ready!
15 No matter what you do, you will still be burned to death or killed in battle. You will be wiped out like crops eaten up by locusts.You multiplied like locusts!
16 You produced more merchants than there are stars in the sky! But now they are gone, like locusts that spread their wings and fly away.