4 the oracle of one who hears the sayings of God,who sees a vision from the Almighty, who falls into a trance with his eyes uncovered:
5 How beautiful are your tents, Jacob,your dwellings, Israel.
6 They stretch out like river valleys, like gardens beside a stream,like aloes the Lord has planted,like cedars beside the water.
7 Water will flow from his buckets,and his seed will be by abundant water.His king will be greater than Agag, and his kingdom will be exalted.
8 God brought him out of Egypt;He is like the horns of a wild ox for them. He will feed on enemy nationsand gnaw their bones;he will strike them with his arrows.
9 He crouches, he lies down like a lionor a lioness — who dares to rouse him? Those who bless you will be blessed,and those who curse you will be cursed.
10 Then Balak became furious with Balaam, struck his hands together, and said to him, “I summoned you to put a curse on my enemies, but instead, you have blessed them these three times.