37 But the one God raised from death did not rot in the grave.
38-39 Brothers, understand what we are telling you. You can have forgiveness of your sins through this Jesus. The Law of Moses could not free you from your sins. But you can be made right with God if you believe in Jesus.
40 So be careful! Don’t let what the prophets said happen to you:
41 ‘Listen, you people who doubt! You can wonder, but then go away and die; because during your time, I will do something that you will not believe. You will not believe it, even if someone explains it to you!’” Habakkuk 1:5
42 As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people asked them to come again on the next Sabbath day and tell them more about these things.
43 After the meeting, many of the people followed Paul and Barnabas, including many Jews and people who had changed their religion to be like Jews and worship the true God. Paul and Barnabas encouraged them to continue trusting in God’s grace.
44 On the next Sabbath day, almost all the people in the city came together to hear the word of the Lord.