4 Also, there must be no evil talk among you. Don’t say things that are foolish or filthy. These are not for you. But you should be giving thanks to God.
5 You can be sure of this: No one will have a place in the kingdom of Christ and of God if that person commits sexual sins, or does evil things, or is a person who selfishly wants more and more. A greedy person like that is serving a false god.
6 Don’t let anyone fool you with words that are not true. God gets very angry when people who don’t obey him talk like that.
7 So don’t have anything to do with them.
8 In the past you were full of darkness, but now you are full of light in the Lord. So live like children who belong to the light.
9 This light produces every kind of goodness, right living, and truth.
10 Try to learn what pleases the Lord.