35 A voice came from the cloud and said, “This is my Son. He is the one I have chosen. Obey him.”
36 When the voice stopped, only Jesus was there. Peter, John, and James said nothing. And for a long time after that, they told no one about what they had seen.
37 The next day, Jesus, Peter, John, and James came down from the mountain. A large group of people met Jesus.
38 A man in the group shouted to him, “Teacher, please come and look at my son. He is the only child I have.
39 An evil spirit comes into him, and then he shouts. He loses control of himself and foams at the mouth. The evil spirit continues to hurt him and almost never leaves him.
40 I begged your followers to make the evil spirit leave my son, but they could not do it.”
41 Jesus answered, “You people today have no faith. Your lives are all wrong. How long must I be with you and be patient with you?” Then Jesus said to the man, “Bring your son here.”