25 Between three and six o’clock in the morning, Jesus’ followers were still in the boat. Jesus came to them. He was walking on the water.
26 When they saw him walking on the water, it scared them. “It’s a ghost!” they said, screaming in fear.
27 But Jesus quickly spoke to them. He said, “Don’t worry! It’s me! Don’t be afraid.”
28 Peter said, “Lord, if that is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.”
29 Jesus said, “Come, Peter.” Then Peter left the boat and walked on the water to Jesus.
30 But while Peter was walking on the water, he saw the wind and the waves. He was afraid and began sinking into the water. He shouted, “Lord, save me!”
31 Then Jesus caught Peter with his hand. He said, “Your faith is small. Why did you doubt?”