1 Jesus used some more stories to teach the people. He said,
2 “God’s kingdom is like a king who prepared a wedding feast for his son.
3 He invited some people to the feast. When it was ready, the king sent his servants to tell the people to come. But they refused to come to the king’s feast.
4 “Then the king sent some more servants. He said to them, ‘I have already invited the people. So tell them that my feast is ready. I have killed my best bulls and calves to be eaten. Everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.’
5 “But when the servants told the people to come, they refused to listen. They all went to do other things. One went to work in his field, and another went to his business.
6 Some of the other people grabbed the servants, beat them, and killed them.
7 The king was very angry. He sent his army to kill those who murdered his servants. And the army burned their city.