1 I want you to know that you can trust our sister in Christ, Phoebe. She is a special servant of the church in Cenchrea.
2 I ask you to accept her in the Lord. Accept her the way God’s people should. Help her with anything she needs from you. She has helped me very much, and she has helped many others too.
3 Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, who have worked together with me for Christ Jesus.
4 They risked their own lives to save mine. I am thankful to them, and all the non-Jewish churches are thankful to them.
5 Also, give greetings to the church that meets in their house. Give greetings to my dear friend Epaenetus. He was the first person to follow Christ in Asia.
6 Greetings also to Mary. She worked very hard for you.