9 The people were very happy because their leaders were willing to give so much. The leaders had given freely to the Lord from good hearts. King David was also very happy.
10 Then David praised the Lord in front of all the people who were gathered together. David said, “Lord, the God of Israel, our Father, may you be praised forever and ever!
11 Greatness, power, glory, victory, and honor belong to you, because everything in heaven and on earth belongs to you! The kingdom belongs to you, Lord! You are the head, the Ruler over everything.
12 Riches and honor come from you. You rule everything. You have the power and strength in your hand! And in your hand is the power to make anyone great and powerful!
13 Now, our God, we thank you, and we praise your glorious name!
14 All these things didn’t come from me and my people. All these things come from you. We are only giving back to you things that came from you.
15 We are only strangers traveling through this world like our ancestors. Our time on earth is like a passing shadow, and we cannot stop it.