3 Solomon answered all the questions. None of her questions was too hard for him to explain.
4 The queen of Sheba saw that Solomon was very wise. She also saw the beautiful palace he had built.
5 She saw the food at the king’s table. She saw his officials meeting together. She saw the servants in the palace and the good clothes they wore. She saw his parties and the sacrifices that he offered in the Lord’S Temple. She was so amazed, she could hardly breathe!
6 Then she said to King Solomon, “The stories I heard in my country about your great works and your wisdom are true.
7 I did not believe it until I came and saw it with my own eyes. Now I see that it is even greater than what I heard. Your wealth and wisdom are much greater than people told me.
8 Your wives and officers are very fortunate, because they serve you and hear your wisdom every day.
9 Praise the Lord your God! He was pleased to make you king of Israel. Because of the Lord’S unending love for Israel, he has made you king to rule with justice and fairness.”