20 Saul said, “But I did obey the Lord! I went where the Lord sent me. I destroyed all the Amalekites. I brought back only one—their king Agag.
21 And the soldiers took the best sheep and cattle to sacrifice to the Lord your God at Gilgal.”
22 But Samuel answered, “Which pleases the Lord more: burnt offerings and sacrifices or obeying his commands? It is better to obey the Lord than to offer sacrifices to him. It is better to listen to him than to offer the fat from rams.
23 Refusing to obey is as bad as the sin of sorcery. Being stubborn and doing what you want is like the sin of worshiping idols. You refused to obey the Lord’S command, so he now refuses to accept you as king.”
24 Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned. I did not obey the Lord’S commands, and I did not do what you told me. I was afraid of the people, and I did what they said.
25 Now I beg you, forgive me for doing this sin. Come back with me, so I may worship the Lord.”
26 But Samuel said to Saul, “I won’t go back with you. You rejected the Lord’S command, and now the Lord rejects you as king of Israel.”