1 The Philistines carried God’s Holy Box, from Ebenezer to Ashdod.
2 They carried God’s Holy Box into the temple of Dagon and put it next to the statue of Dagon.
3 The next morning, the people of Ashdod got up and found Dagon lying face down on the ground before the Lord’S Box. The people of Ashdod put the statue of Dagon back in its place.
4 But the next morning when the people of Ashdod got up, they found Dagon on the ground again. Dagon had fallen down before the Lord’S Holy Box. This time, Dagon’s head and hands were broken off and were lying in the doorway. Only his body was still in one piece.
5 That is why, even today, the priests or other people refuse to step on the threshold when they enter Dagon’s temple at Ashdod.
6 The Lord made life hard for the people of Ashdod and their neighbors. He gave them many troubles and caused them to get tumors. He also sent mice to them. The mice ran all over their ships and then onto their land. The people in the city were very afraid.
7 They saw what was happening and said, “The Holy Box of the God of Israel can’t stay here. God is punishing us and Dagon our god.”