2 Kings 19:23-29 ETR

23 You sent your messengers to insult the Lord. You said, “I came with my many chariots to the high mountains deep inside Lebanon. I cut down the tallest cedar trees and the best fir trees of Lebanon. I went to its highest mountains, its thickest forests.

24 I dug wells, and drank water from new places. I dried up the rivers of Egypt and walked on the land there.”

25 That is what you said, but haven’t you heard what I said? I planned it long ago; from ancient times I planned it. And now I have made it happen. I let you tear down the strong cities and change them into piles of rocks.

26 The people in the cities had no power. They were afraid and confused. They were about to be cut down like grass and plants in the field. They were like grass growing on the housetops, dying before it grows tall.

27 I know all about your battles; I know when you rested, when you went out to war, and when you came home. I also know when you got upset at me.

28 Yes, you were upset at me. I heard your proud insults. So I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth. Then I will turn you around and lead you back the way you came.’”

29 Then the Lord said, “I will give you a sign to show that these words are true. You were not able to plant seeds this year, so next year you will eat grain that grows wild from the previous year’s crop. But in the third year, you will eat grain from seeds that you planted. You will harvest your crops and have plenty to eat. You will plant grapevines and eat their fruit. You will plant vineyards and eat the grapes from them.