Daniel 11:18-24 ETR

18 “Then the northern king will turn his attention to the countries along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. He will defeat many of those cities, but then a commander will put an end to the pride and rebellion of that northern king. The commander will make the northern king ashamed.

19 “After that happens, the northern king will go back to the strong forts of his own country. But he will be weak and will fall. He will be finished.

20 “After the northern king, there will be a new ruler who sends out tax collectors so that he can live like a king. But after a few years, he will be destroyed, although he will not die in battle.

21 “That ruler will be followed by a very cruel and hated man, who will not have the honor of being from a king’s family. He will become a ruler by being tricky. He will attack the kingdom when the people feel safe.

22 He will defeat large and powerful armies. He will even defeat the leader with the agreement.

23 Many nations will make agreements with that cruel and hated ruler, but he will lie and trick them. He will gain much power, but only a few people will support him.

24 “When the richest countries feel safe, that cruel and hated ruler will attack them. He will attack at just the right time and will be successful where his ancestors were not successful. He will take things from the countries he defeated, and he will give them to his followers. He will plan to defeat and destroy strong cities. He will be successful—but only for a short time.