11 Then, when evening comes, the man must bathe himself in water. And when the sun goes down, he may come into the camp again.
12 “You also must have a place outside the camp where people can go to relieve themselves.
13 Among your weapons, you must also carry a stick to dig with. Then, when you relieve yourself, you must dig a hole and cover it up.
14 This is because the Lord your God is there with you in your camp to save you and to help you defeat your enemies. So the camp must be holy. Then he will not see something disgusting and leave you.
15 “If slaves run away and come to you, don’t force them to go back to their masters.
16 Runaway slaves may live with you wherever they like in whatever city they choose. You must not trouble them.
17 “An Israelite man or woman must never become a temple prostitute.