13 But if an accident happens, and a person kills someone without planning it, then God allowed that thing to happen. I will choose some special places where people can run to for safety. So that person can run to one of those places.
14 But whoever plans to kill someone out of anger or hatred must be punished. Take them away from my altar and kill them.
15 “Whoever hits their father or their mother must be killed.
16 “Whoever steals someone to sell them as a slave or to keep them for their own slave must be killed.
17 “Whoever curses their father or mother must be killed.
18 “Two men might argue and one might hit the other with a rock or with his fist. If the man who was hurt is not killed, the man who hurt him should not be killed.
19 If the man was hurt and must stay in bed for some time, the man who hurt him must support him. The man who hurt him must pay for the loss of his time. He must support him until he is completely healed.