20 Some of Pharaoh’s officials paid attention to the Lord’S message. They quickly put all of their animals and slaves into houses.
21 But other people ignored the Lord’S message and lost all their slaves and animals that were in the fields.
22 The Lord told Moses, “Raise your hand into the air and the hail will start falling all over Egypt. The hail will fall on all the people, animals, and plants in all the fields of Egypt.”
23 So Moses raised his walking stick into the air, and the Lord sent hail with thunder and lightning down on the earth. The Lord caused hail to fall all over Egypt.
24 The hail was falling, and lightning was flashing all through it. It was the worst hailstorm that had ever hit Egypt since it had become a nation.
25 The storm destroyed everything in the fields in Egypt. The hail destroyed people, animals, and plants. The hail also broke all the trees in the fields.
26 The only place that did not get hail was the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived.