1 Then the word of the Lord came to me. He said,
2 “Son of man, tell the people of Jerusalem about the terrible things they have done.
3 You must say, ‘This is what the Lord GOD says to Jerusalem: Look at your history. You were born in Canaan. Your father was an Amorite. Your mother was a Hittite.
4 Jerusalem, on the day you were born, there was no one to cut your navel cord. No one put salt on you and washed you to make you clean. No one wrapped you in cloth.
5 No one felt sorry for you or took care of you. On the day you were born, your parents threw you out into the field, because no one wanted you.
6 “‘Then I passed by. I saw you lying there, kicking in the blood. You were covered with blood, but I said, “Please live!” Yes, you were covered with blood, but I said, “Please live!”