24 When the right time came, Rebekah gave birth to twins.
25 The first baby was red. His skin was like a hairy robe. So he was named Esau.
26 When the second baby was born, he was holding tightly to Esau’s heel. So that baby was named Jacob. Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob and Esau were born.
27 The boys grew up. Esau became a skilled hunter, who loved to be out in the fields. But Jacob was a quiet man, who stayed at home.
28 Isaac loved Esau. He liked to eat the animals Esau killed. But Rebekah loved Jacob.
29 One day Esau came back from hunting. He was tired and weak from hunger. Jacob was boiling a pot of beans.
30 So Esau said to Jacob, “I am weak with hunger. Let me have some of that red soup.” (That is why people call him “Red.”)