8 After Isaac had lived there a long time, Abimelech looked out of his window and saw Isaac and his wife enjoying one another.
9 Abimelech called for Isaac and said, “This woman is your wife. Why did you tell us that she was your sister?” Isaac said to him, “I was afraid that you would kill me so that you could have her.”
10 Abimelech said, “You have done a bad thing to us. One of our men might have had sex with your wife. Then he would be guilty of a great sin.”
11 So Abimelech gave a warning to all the people. He said, “No one must hurt this man or this woman. If anyone hurts them, they will be killed.”
12 Isaac planted fields in that place, and that year he gathered a great harvest. The Lord blessed him very much.
13 Isaac became rich. He gathered more and more wealth until he became a very rich man.
14 He had many flocks and herds of animals. He also had many slaves. All the Philistines were jealous of him.