8 But if the people of that nation change their hearts and lives and stop doing evil things, I will change my mind and not bring on them the disaster I planned.
9 There may come another time when I speak about a nation that I will build up or plant.
10 But if I see that nation doing evil things and not obeying me, I will think again about the good I had planned to do for them.
11 “So, Jeremiah, say to the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am the potter preparing troubles for you and making plans against you. So stop doing the evil things you are doing. Each person must change and start doing good.’
12 But the people of Judah will answer, ‘We don’t care what you say. We will continue to do what we want. We will do the evil our stubborn hearts want.’”
13 Listen to what the Lord says: “Ask the other nations this question: ‘Have you ever heard of anything so bad?’ Israel, who is as dear to me as a young daughter, has done this terrible thing!
14 It is as strange as not finding snow on Lebanon’s mountains or seeing the cool streams that come from there stop flowing. That just does not happen!