9 We tried to heal Babylon, but she cannot be healed. So let us leave her, and let each of us go to our own country. God in heaven will decide Babylon’s punishment. He will decide what will happen to Babylon.
10 The Lord got even for us. Come, let’s tell about that in Zion. Let’s tell what the Lord our God has done.
11 Sharpen the arrows! Get your shields! The Lord has stirred up the kings of the Medes because he wants to destroy Babylon. The army from Babylon destroyed his Temple in Jerusalem, so he will give them the punishment they deserve.
12 Lift up a flag against the walls of Babylon. Bring more guards. Put the watchmen in their places. Get ready for a secret attack. The Lord will do what he has planned. He will do what he said he would do against the people of Babylon.
13 Babylon, you live near much water. You are rich with treasures, but your end as a nation has come. It is time for you to be destroyed.
14 The Lord All-Powerful used his name to make this promise: “Babylon, I will fill you with so many enemy soldiers they will be like a cloud of locusts. They will win their war against you. They will stand over you shouting their victory cry.”
15 God used his great power and made the earth. He used his wisdom to build the world and his understanding to stretch out the skies.