13 Priests, put on sackcloth and cry loudly. Servants of the altar, cry loudly. Servants of my God, you will sleep in sackcloth, because there will be no more grain and drink offerings in God’s Temple.
14 Tell the people that there will be a special time of fasting. Call them together for a special meeting. Bring the leaders and everyone living in the land together at the Temple of the Lord your God, and pray to the Lord.
15 Be sad because the Lord’S special day is near. At that time punishment will come like an attack from God All-Powerful.
16 Our food is gone. Joy and happiness are gone from the Temple of our God.
17 We planted seeds, but the seeds became dry and dead lying in the soil. Our plants are dry and dead. Our barns are empty and falling down.
18 The animals are hungry and groaning. The herds of cattle wander around confused because they have no grass to eat. The sheep are dying.
19 Lord, I am calling to you for help. Fire has changed our green fields into a desert. Flames have burned all the trees in the field.