4 You must obey my rules and follow my laws. Be sure to follow my rules because I am the Lord your God.
5 You must obey my rules and my laws, because whoever obeys them will live. I am the Lord.
6 “You must never have sexual relations with your close relatives. I am the Lord.
7 “You must never have sexual relations with your father or mother. She is your mother, so you must not have sexual relations with her.
8 You must not have sexual relations with your father’s wife, even if she is not your mother, because that is like having sexual relations with your father.
9 “You must not have sexual relations with your sister. It doesn’t matter if she is the daughter of your father or your mother. And it doesn’t matter if your sister was born in your house or at some other place.
10 “You must not have sexual relations with your granddaughter. It doesn’t matter whether she is the daughter of your son or the daughter of your daughter—they are all a part of you!