19 The Israelites answered, “We will travel along the main road. If our animals drink any of your water, we will pay you for it. We only want to walk through your country. We don’t want to take it for ourselves.”
20 But again the king of Edom answered, “We will not allow you to come through our country.” Then the king of Edom gathered a large and powerful army and went out to fight against the Israelites.
21 The king of Edom refused to let the Israelites travel through his country, so the Israelites turned around and went another way.
22 All the Israelites traveled from Kadesh to Mount Hor.
23 Mount Hor was near the border of Edom. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron,
24 “It is time for Aaron to die and go to be with his ancestors. Aaron will not enter the land that I promised to the Israelites. Moses, I say this to you because both you and Aaron did not fully obey the command I gave you at the waters of Meribah.
25 “Now, bring Aaron and his son Eleazar up to Mount Hor.